Today in this article I want to talk about TikTok for Real Estate Business – How to use the hot new app that a ton of millennials and Gen Z users are using and whether it’s appropriate for you to use it for your real estate business.
So join me along as we find out what is TikTok, should you be using it, and if so, how you should be using it for your real estate business.
So before I did this article I wanted to pose a question to the Facebook Masterminds Group just asking first off would you use TikTok for your real estate business?
I asked yes, I asked no, and I asked what is TikTok, and the resounding response from the majority of people was what is TikTok, so let’s begin there.
What is TikTok
So TikTok described itself as a short-form mobile video platform designed to empower creators directly from their smartphones.
Currently, there are over 500 million active TikTok users worldwide with over 40% of them ages 16 to 24 years old, so it’s definitely a young app in terms of users that are on it.
So are they homebuyers?
Does it make sense to get on there, right? Popular types of videos that appear on TikTok are challenges, reactions, dances, duets and anything that makes you laugh or cringe.
It’s easy to download, it’s completely free, and if you want to download it there are two ways that you can film videos.
There’s a 15-second option and then a 60-second option and some of the most fun videos that I’ve seen all have music.
Real Estate Angle Now
Let’s talk about the real estate angle now. Similar to Facebook and Instagram stories TikTok could be a great way to capture just you know, a quick snapshot of a feature of a home or maybe give a quick overview.
And I want to also just shout out two real estate professionals that have posted about their use on TikTok that’s Chastin Miles who has a great vlog about TikTok and using it for his real estate business.
Then also an agent at Bay Area Homes is using TikTok to show off a key feature of the house.
So what’s the verdict?
Is it a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to TikTok for your real estate business. Well, I’m gonna say a definite thumbs up if you are attracting millennial homebuyers if you have an ear for music and you like to kind of put yourself in front of the camera.
If you’ve done a music video parody in the past, TikTok would be an excellent place for you to continue to do quick little music clips that also show off the real estate industry and show off your brand marketing.
And I would say you know if you’re dealing with an older demographic or maybe you’re dealing with a niche such as luxury, or another sort of you know, 55-plus community or maybe dealing with a group that is not going to be on the app which is not young Millennials let’s be honest.
Then maybe TikTok is not where you need to be at this time. But it’s definitely an app that has a ton of power, we’re really excited to see where it goes.
Future of Tik Tok For Real Estate
There have been some predictions that in the future you’re going to be able to like click on things that you see whether it’s food-related or hotel-related, and it could really be used to harness the power of e-commerce.
So that’s still a little ways away but it’s definitely something that we wanted to let you know about and make sure that you’re on top of it and decide where you need to be.
So that’s it! If you have any doubt related to this topic, then comment us.